Welcome to Box Tracker Pro!
This tool generates a unique link and QR Code for each box to track its contents. Below is the link to a newly created box. Every time you load this page, a fresh box link and QR code are created, so be sure to save the link or QR code to keep a record of the box.
Your Box Link:
https://boxes.gigabitsit.co.uk/box/85631bed023c4da81c3096e220fae649-73f3e7e8ae71f79dQR Code for Box:
Scan or print the QR code below to easily access this box's details in the future.
WARNING: There is no way to retrieve the link again after leaving this page, so save it securely.
Usage and Privacy:
- Each link and QR code is unique to a box and can be scanned to view box contents.
- Treat the link or QR code as secure information; anyone with access to the code can view the box’s contents.
- You can share the link or QR code with others if you want them to be able to access the box’s information.
- Each box ID generated by our system is designed to be unique and secure. The chances of generating the same box ID twice are incredibly low, even when creating billions of IDs. In fact, you would need to create over 82 trillion IDs before facing a 1 in 100,000 chance of a collision. This ensures that your box's contents remain private and accessible only to those you choose to share the ID with. Rest assured that your data is well-protected with our robust ID generation system.
Consider printing the QR code on a label for the box itself, so you can scan it later to check its contents.